Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will


Make It Two

- 2015,2 - Austria
21/3, See ya next time Obertauern!

We've had an absolutely magical week here in Obertauern with the best company. Loved every minute of it and it’s been hard to smudge off the grins on our faces. With the instructions “flex, up and over and press” echoing in our heads we already miss dad and the snow. The three last days have been super sunny and Emelie's now ready to take over London with a super hot goggle tan.

Jesus, we've had so many Apfelstrudels mit Vanille Sauce this week that it’s ridiculous, and we believe that we managed to try most of Austria’s specialities. Overall, Obertauern is a great place for skiing, it has some really nice after ski, cheap chocolate and really nice off-piste close to the slopes if there's enough snow. I can definitely understand why dad have chosen to spend the past three winters there!

Now we’re ready for some shopping,  delicious Indian food, dancing and drinks (we bought the Austrian rum called Stroh at the airport in Salzburg since we couldn’t bring the Amaretto we bought in Obertauern, haha).

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