Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will


Make It Two

- 2011,3 - Australia, Byron Bay
19/6, Day 14 - Senggigi and Boat trip day 1
Woke up early, legs aching but oh we were feeling well. Linnea and I took a morning stroll down to the beach while Anna slept in, Senggigi seems nice but a bit too touristy I would say. Had a yummie pancake while enjoying the civilisation and wifi again before being picked up at eleven to go to the harbour where our boat trip to the Komodo National Park started (total cost of 1 500 000)! Stopped at one island for a quick swim (most people rushed back up on the boat though after one of the guys spotted a shark while snorkelling – exciting stuff) before reaching Gili Bolo where we spent the night.
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