Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will


Make It Two

- january 2015
6/1, A week in London
First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you all had a crazy night celebrating the start of 2015! I sure did! I spent it down at the river on Westminster bridge with an incredible view over London Eye, accompanied by one fine gentleman. The fireworks were absolutely insane! In fact, everything about the night was pretty much perfect, great company, predrinks at Freddie's flat, fireworks by the river, houseparty in Covent garden blablabla, it was just one tiny little thing that had to go wrong, I returned home without a passport, credit cards and phone. Oh yes. Without anything but myself (at least I had no missing limbs). I really do need to get back out travelling again, I'm literally giving away everything I own to pickpockets. I still can't believe I had the passport on me and both my credit cards in the same place. I mean.. WHY? Rookie mistake. I won't even try to come up with an explanation, pure stupidity, so frankly - I deserved it. Oh but listen up, if you're planning on being a poor victim of pickpocketing in London - be sure you have evidence of your stuff being stolen when you go to the Police office to report it. Yep you heard me. Now you gotta love how absolutely STUPID that is. Aargh.
But apart from that, I couldn't have asked for a better start of 2015! I managed to meet up with my first boyfriend, Chris, after 8 years apart!! And how amazing it was to see that lovely face again. Also I had an awesome night out with Darren (who I met while hiking Annapurna in Nepal) and his girl at The Book club. And of course I met up with my beautiful girl Inka and her husband! Hanging out with Freddie 24/7 has been a pure pleasure (just because you'll probably be reading this you little stalker). Na in all honesty, I've had heaps of fun, he showed me the very best of London - bars, restaurants, gorgeous streets and areas and introduced me to his lovely friends (however, I must admit that I'm still finding it very hard to understand that he has any). But mainly I like him because he fed me and gave me somewhere to stay. Thanks darling.
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